Thursday, October 31, 2019

Defining Hot Spots As a Crime Analyst Coursework

Defining Hot Spots As a Crime Analyst - Coursework Example Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 10) explains that are identified areas on a map that are characterized by a high intensity of crime. These areas are developed so that analysts and researchers can examine the identified geographic areas, in relation to crime. The crime hotspot is a geographical analysis. It is developed basing on the crime pin maps of a reported criminal events, over a given period of time. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 13) maintains that crime hotspots can vary. It can either be a small building, within a certain location, or even a certain locality within a community. However, the occurrence of crime must be persistent, for at least one year. Theorists and researchers normally examine the development of crime hotspots, and the reasons as to why crime is prevalent in these hotspots. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 9) explains that coming up with a map that identifies certain hotspot is an influential and critical tool of policing. This is because they provide an understanding and knowledge of different areas within a town, and on how best to secure these areas. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 22) believes that by identifying small areas where crime is prone, their would be a reduction of crime rates within the country. This is because the police would concentrate in these tiny areas leading to a reduction in the overall rates of crime. There exist three major types of crime hot spots, namely, crime generators, crime attractors, and crime enablers. Crime generators are physical places whereby large numbers of people gather for purposes that are not related to crime (Chainey and Ratcliffe, 2006, p.10). These areas provide an opportunity for criminals and offenders to engage in a crime or a disorder. Examples of crime generators include transportation hubs, shopping malls, sporting events, and festivals. Examples of criminal activities that these places are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Concept of Externalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Concept of Externalities - Essay Example Among externalities are ecological issues. When ecological issues come in, it is hard to control it. Example for these is the oceans, the rivers, and the air (Gale, 2001). It is hard for a market to cope up especially if there is an ecological exploitation. Most affected to this are those market whose products are taken directly to the one exploited, e.g. like sea foods. But usually the causes of the negative externalities are done also by the market itself. Example are those factory owners, if they dispose there wastes to the streams, they cause pollution. The market maybe aware about the impact they are doing but they think they can get away with it, or because the disposing of the garbage is too high, or they limit the budget for disposing waste to avoid costly method of disposing it (Mind your Business, 2003). In the long run, the negative impact will go back to them and that's when they realize the result of there actions. The market should regulate their waste disposal. They should invest a food was to dispose their wastes. In this case, they can be able to prevent ecological issues. To avoid the market failure, there are things that can be done not only by the market itself but the government can also intervene. Since the market know little about environmental impacts this requires research. This way though causes high costs for research. But there's another way, the government. The government has many accesses to more related action firms about this. The government can enforce an environment-protecting set of standards on the polluting industry. They can also limit the activities of this markets that can cause negative externalities. With this policy, markets will be controlled on their activities that may affect the environment. The government can enforce a tax on the polluter basing on estimated cost the damage done; in return the tax will then be used to eradicate pollution (Thompson, 2005). This way the only affected by the tax imposed are the producers and the consumers of the goods. Quoted from Mind Your Business news (Oct., 2003), "During the summer, they released their annual report - part of which was devoted to reporting on the performance of businesses in relation to incidents of pollution. The report suggests that overall incidents of serious pollution were 20% lower than in 2001 but cautions against any complacency and identifies well known businesses as being guilty of repeat offencesThe average fine per company rose by over one third to 8,744. Fines of more than 20,000 rose by nearly 42% compared to 2001 but the Environment Agency clearly feel that the size of the fines are insufficient to persuade companies to change their behavior. They cite numerous examples of businesses who flouted the regulations including a company director who dumped soil containing arsenic, mercury and cyanide. Arsenic is a deadly poison it its pure form and can cause circulatory problems, skin damage and increases the risk of cancer. Cyanide causes nerve damage and thyroid pr oblems and mercury causes skin disorders, internal bleeding, liver, kidney and intestinal damage. He was jailed for a year!" So for those markets out there beware about the rules and the consequences you might get into when it comes to environmental issues! According to Schultze (2006) that when a market failure occurs the resources fails. He emphasized that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of 16 and Pregnant on Teen Pregnancy Rates

Impact of 16 and Pregnant on Teen Pregnancy Rates Teen pregnancy rates drop because of tv shows like MTVs 16 and Pregnant When tv shows such as MTVs 16 and Pregnant first began airing on tv most people believed that the show would encourage teenage pregnancy, but they were mistaken. The show actually made teen pregnancy rates drop instead. Shows such as this one has proven itself to actually proven to prevent teen pregnancy instead of encouraging it. Studies have shown that teen pregnancy rates have began to drop since the show has first begun airing on tv ,as well as more searches on how to receive birth control, and have also encouraged teenagers to start practicing safer sex. The show just might be the reason why teen pregnancy rates had dropped so dramatically ,coincidentally it occurred after the show actually began airing. To find out for sure scientists began a study to figure out what had been going on and they found that, the show and its spinoffs actually had an educational effect, cutting the teen birth rate by six per cent, or more than 20,000 births, in 2010 (Remote (birth) control). This proves 16 and Pregnant actually made a difference in peoples lives and let alone their futures. The teenagers who watched the show lives were changed, Neither the boys nor girls who watched the episodes wanted to imitate the teens in the episodes they watched. In fact, nearly all teens (93%) who watched the show agreed (53% strongly agreed) with the statement: I learned that teen parenthood is harder than I imagined from these episodes(Suellentrop et al) , also an interview was conducted from a few people on the show and they asked, are teens influenced by what they see on TV , and one of the interviewes replied with,what teenagers are watching can make a really big difference in what they think and, ultimately, how they behave and really important life decisions (Is 16 and Pregnant An Effective Form Of Birth Control?). The young women and men that watched the show and who were interviewed could have been just like the other teenagers on 16 and Pregnant but the shows presented them a better outlook on life and a safer one at that.This show alone has changed some peoples future and even dropped the teen pregnancy percentages. They helped the troubled young community make a difference in society and for the next generation to come. The show has also been proven to teach teenagers that safer sex such as using contraception like birth control or condoms may be necessary to prevent themselves from becoming teen moms or fathers besides abstinence altogether. By using these helpful devices they are automatically less likely to get pregnant or get another person pregnant by high percentages. Researchers found that, The show may actually encourage him or her to practice safer sex, according to a new study(Jacque Wilson). Practicing safer sex not only helps to prevent teen pregnancies, but also protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that could lead to tissue scarring and permanent damage. The shows continue to teach the teenagers important lessons and help to, create an opportunity to talk to teens about the risks of sex(Suellentrop et al). This evidence is continuing to prove the effectiveness and the extra chances that this show provides for young boys and girls that couldve possibly gone through a tou gher time.This helps teens and their parents to also help in the prevention in the pregnancy problem. As parents usually wanted to be involved especially when it has to do with their kids futures as well as someone elses. 16 and Pregnant also started conversations about the show and teen pregnancy , and all over made teen pregnancy a less commonplace as well as made more teenagers change their point of views on the topic from a typical okay ordeal to one frowned upon and a less likely matter.They even began to talk themselves out of the idea of being a pregnant teenager was easy, the difficulty level changed their mind.Things continued to change because, The more teens talked about the show, the less likely they were to think that teen pregnancy and teen parenthood are commonplace(Suellentrop et al).The quote proves the changes that are happening and contributing to the dramatic pregnancy rates dropping.The scientists even showed that the teenagers perceptions were changing and they learned , more about how watching and discussing episodes of the popular MTV documentary-style reality show 16 and Pregnant influences teens perceptions of getting pregnant and becoming a parent at a young age(Suellentrop et al). The scientists referred to how the teens changed their ideas about pregnancy because of the show .The show starts conversations that help to prevent and protect the mother of the teenagers getting pregnant at such a young age. Including maybe losing them altogether. When teenagers decide to turn on tv shows like 16 and Pregnant they decide to use safer sex, they also change their minds about teen pregnancy and its difficulty level, as well as contributing in other ways to help drop pregancy rates. The teenagers are now going to have a better life as well as lining up their futures kids to have better lives just by not getting pregnant as a teenager. Therefore concluding the research is proof that 16 and Pregnant does not glamorize pregnancy it shows real life situations that other teenagers can relate and connect to helping them protect themselves from mistakes, diseases, and other bad decisions that could have made along the way but now because of the show they are less likely to have to experience all those issues . References Is 16 and Pregnant An Effective Form Of Birth Control? All Things Considered, 13 Jan. 2014. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 6 Feb. 2017. Remote (birth) control. Macleans, 27 Jan. 2014, p. 8. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 6 Feb. 2017. Suellentrop, Katherine, et al. Reality Television Shows Reveal the Risks of Teen Pregnancy. Teen Dating, edited by Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 3 Feb. 2017. Originally published as Evaluating the Impact of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Teen Viewers Attitudes About Teen Pregnancy, Science Says, Oct. 2010. Wilson, Jacque. Study: MTVs 16 and Pregnant Led to Fewer Teen Births. Health and Wellness Resource Center. CNN Newsource Sales, Inc., 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2017.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

  Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party ; National Socialist German Workers Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. Hitler was at the centre of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust. Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup d'à ©tat in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf . After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, he transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. Hitler's aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in co...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Olive Senior Essay

Olive Senior is a Jamaican poet of high repute and is the author of Gardening in the Tropics. In this poetry volume Senior seeks to tackle history, moral issues, travel and environmental crises. Senior’s poems are pervaded with irony, humour and sarcasm and her tone is conversational and calm. Senior’s style of writing aids in creating a diacritic voice which is evident in the poems â€Å"Seeing the Light†, â€Å"Meditation on Yellow† and â€Å"Stowaway†. Senior in an interview with Kwame Dawes entitled â€Å"Talk Yuh Talk† admits that she has been haunted by the absence of the Tainos and was always unsatisfied with the image of the Tainos being a simplistic group of people that existed before Columbus’ arrival and then they suddenly became extinct. Her interest in the Tainos is evident in her poems â€Å"Meditation on Yellow† and â€Å"Seeing the Light† where she sows seeds of discourse to the colonial notions that the Europeans achieved anything positive in their conquest. The poem â€Å"Seeing the Light speaks to the destruction of the Caribbean by the Europeans. Their conquest to the â€Å"New World†/Caribbean was aimed at introducing civilization to the Taino society and Christianity through evangelism. Au contraire, their conquest terminated the lives of the Tainos and resulted in severe deforestation. Senior employs a bracketed aside to express counter discourse to the productivity of the European systems. â€Å"(Though in their chronicles they may have recorded it by another name: Conquista? Evangelismo? Civilizacion? )† Senior manipulates Spanish diction which is the tongue of the European colonizers to embellish her argument of counter discourse by mocking and criticizing them. The question marks are utilized to interrogate the Europeans. Additionally, Senior skilfully exploits rhetorical questions to challenge and cast on doubt on the religion of the Europeans and supplement the counter discourse. The speaker proceeds to ask â€Å"Why did those who speak of Light wear black, the colour mourning? Why was their countenance so grave? Why on a dead tree did they nail the bringer of Light, One Cristo, torture and kill him and then ask us to come, bow down and worship him? † These questions subtly enhance the cynical tone of the speaker. The third question is the most crucial as it is a direct counter discourse to the Europeans’ religion and beliefs. The speaker wants to know why the Europeans would kill Jesus Christ, who they worship and then ask the Tainos to bow down and worship him. Furthermore, â€Å"Meditation on Yellow† centers around the theme of exploitation and this relates to the Tainos, Africans and contemporary worker, for example in the tourism industry. Senior deploys a bracketed aside â€Å"(for heat engenders gold and fires the brain)† this creates an extremely sarcastic and critical tone that interrogates the colonial narratives and seeks to question the motives of the Europeans and reveal their lust and desire for gold and their resultant insanity. Senior puts to use appropriate lineation which separates the innocent and peaceful nature of the Tainos from the lustful and insane Europeans. The break makes the distinction between the two groups and adds performativity. In addition, there is usage of pun and humour in the lines â€Å"a bit continent despite your vast holdings† the tone is sarcastic and it emphasizes that despite the Europeans’ immense possessions they cannot hold it in like waste. Moreover, the bracketed aside â€Å"(though I was gratified to note that despite the difference in our skins our piss was exactly the same shade of yellow,† is used to symbolize equality through urine and the diction; â€Å"piss† is extremely crude. In the lines â€Å"I wished for you a sudden enlightenment that† is ironic because the Europeans thought that they had brought or were bringing enlightenment to the Tainos, however it was the Tainos this â€Å"barbaric group of people who wanted to remind them of their location. The voice is again critical and sarcastic as there is counter discourse to the notion that the Europeans were more enlightened and knowledgeable than the Tainos. In these two poems Olive Senior is the vox populi. She has given a voice to the Tainos and Africans whose thoughts have been suppressed and effectively offers a afro -centric perspective to the historical events involving the Europeans and natives. In addition, â€Å"Stowaway† explores the journey of a man who decides to â€Å"stowaway† on a ship to a foreign country for a better life. The diction in this poem mimics a monologue as the reader feels like they are being spoken to. A double entendre appears in the first line, â€Å"there’s this much space between me and discovery† this pun makes the reader aware that the traveller has no space around him and that he will soon be discovered. This pun brings to light the terrifying condition aboard the ship and the uncertainty of the travel time. The repetition of â€Å"I† creates a distinctive voice and adds an element of performativity to the poem. One day light will enter this grave† is another double entendre conveying the idea that the man will soon be caught or he will soon discover this new land/territory. Grave is a metaphor for the ship and is a symbol of darkness and hence there is a biblical allusion to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The tone created is one of isolation, fear and anxiety which accompanies the theme of travel especially in this case as an â€Å"undeclared passeng er† a â€Å"stowaway†. When the speaker decides to just settle down and wait for the ship to dock his tone becomes calm and relaxed, the tempo is slowed down in contrast to the erratic and frenzied rhythm before. Olive Senior employs various poetic devices namely bracketed aside, metaphor, irony and double entendre to skilfully create distinctive voice in her poems with the aid of her effective and stylistic diction and lineation to create counter discourse. She blends these devices and techniques to create tones which contribute to her distinctive voice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Highfield video store currently Essay

Highfield video store currently uses a paper system to perform all the functions required for this business. Before I reach a decision on how to produce an advanced and improved system to the existing system it is imperative to choose the correct software to overcome this situation. I will need to evaluate and consider the factors that need to be tackled on producing this system by evaluating the end users requirements and expectations f the system to ensure the software chosen has the capability to overcome these requirements successfully and competently. As the company is looking for a more flexible data management system, so a database system is likely to be the right solution. Using Microsoft Access as a solution Advantages: o Microsoft Access is a relational database management system which allows a one to many relationships between tables. Thus greatly reduces data inconsistency and data redundancy. o Uses a familiar interface to perform a range of tasks such as; setting up tables, forms, queries, macros and reports. o This software allows complex procedures such as querying, report and form creation, filtering to be produced and mastered by inexperienced users via the use of wizards. o Access can provide a variety of user friendly forms for different functions through the toolbox features of this software which include list boxes, command buttons, check boxes, labels etc. This allows forms to be customised and concurrently have a familiar look and feel of the forms. o Contains advanced features such as queries which can answer complex requests which the user may have and provide a combination of data from multiple tables and place specific boundaries on the data retrieved. Report features have the capacity to produce attractive professional formatted summaries of data contained in more than one table. Also macros can also perform complex or numerous operations with a click of a button/icon. Disadvantages: o This software package very large and complex piece of software. Therefore, it requires a lot of patience and perseverance to familiarize and learn the vast number of features available in this database package. o Microsoft Access is designed to manage small number of database records and the performance of the system will reduce with an increase in records as the software is a low capacity database. Using Microsoft Excel as a solution Advantages: o Numerous functions are available to perform a range of diverse tasks. These include VLOOKUPS which looks for a value in the leftmost column within a table and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify. Other functions include COUNTIF, DCOUNT, MATCH etc. Also contains macro which can automate a series of commands and functions. o Excel forms can also be customised to satisfy the users requirements with different methods of data entry and appearance of the forms. o Graphs can be created to summarise data in a number of different graphs to allow the data to be more understandable to the user and also produces a professional outlook. Disadvantages: o The recording of macros can be problematic as it is easy to make a mistake and the whole process needs to be repeated again. This requires an experienced person with sound knowledge of macros and formulas to perform this task. o Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet package and doesn’t features such a relational database which are available in Access. Therefore data and tables need to be entered again leading to unnecessary data redundancy and data consistency. o Creating and editing macros needs to be done via Visual Basic Editor program in Excel. Users of this program need to be experienced in using this program as the macros commands need to be programmed by the user. This requires a sound knowledge as it requires commands to be written in a specific way and have the ability to remember the language to execute these commands. Solution using Lotus Pro Chosen solution From a detailed analysis of the Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Lotus Pro software I have decided after discussion with the end user to use Microsoft Access to produce the system I will create. Database packages are used for storing and retrieving information or data. With this type of software the user can set up table with relationships, set up queries, set up macros and make reports. The wizard features on certain database packages allows the complexity of administration tasks to be greatly reduced. The system I will produce will be created from using the Microsoft Access database package because of the following reasons: o Microsoft Access has the capacity to produce relational tables. This leads to a reduction in data redundancy and data inconsistency as data doesn’t need to be entered again due to the relationships which can be imported from one table into many other tables if needed. o The system can be customised to provide the end user with an interface which he requires. The forms can be customised to look and allow data entry in the method which the user requires. The toolbars can also be customised to allow the system to be even more user friendly. o A number of tasks which require a series of functions will be repeated a number of times when the system is in use. These series of function can be automated with the use of macros which Microsoft Access has. o Microsoft Access can provide customised reports to summarise a set of data. Access allows data to be brought together in a report which can be tailored to the user choice. So a professional output which is in line with the companies image can be produce whereas as other software such as Microsoft Excel would not have the capacity to do this. Data would need to be summarised into graphs and is difficult to suit the companies image so the output and interface of a system using this software would need be as professional compared to the software being use to created this system. o Access has the capability to update records in any table by setting up queries to update the necessary records. This will lead to more consistent data is it is more likely to be update and accurate. o Data and information that needs to be stored can be done so more easily due to the set up of the system. Tables are clearly defined and related, which is not the case with other software such as Microsoft Excel as relationships between tables cannot be emplaced.