Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Great Expectations - Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are...

Great Expectations - Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are Living through Others In the work Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, two characters live their lives through someone else. Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are both elderly and though someone else are able to obtain their goals that they are not able to complete themselves. Abel Magwitch lives his life through the protagonist Pip while Miss Havisham lives her life through the character Estella. Miss Havisham is an aged, mysterious lady who has much anger. This anger derives from her fiancÃÆ' ©e leaving the day of the wedding. This is the moment when she stopped living and decides to turn to a life of making other men miserable, just as her ex-fiancÃÆ' ©e had made her†¦show more content†¦Pip is unable to comprehend that Miss Havisham is desperate to destroy mens lives and Estella cannot change the way she is. It is also apparent that Miss Havisham uses Estella to break mens hearts when Miss Havisham asks Estella about how many hearts she has broken. Many times Estella tries to explain to Pip that she is incapable of loving him. One time she says, We have no choice, you and I, but to obey our instructions. We are not free to follow our own devices, you and I. (266). Estella comprehends that she is a puppet in what is considered a greater plan. She is not free to do what she pleases because she is under Miss Havishams influence and her instructions to break hearts and not to care about the feelings and pain she brings. Hence, Miss Havisham lived through Estella in order to hurt as many men as possible. In Great Expectations, the male character, by the name of Abel Magwitch, also lives his life through someone else. The character he lives his life through is Pip. When Pip first receives word that he has great expectations to be a gentleman, his guardian is completely unknown until Pip is twenty-three and Abel Magwitch tells his protÃÆ' ©gÃÆ' © that he, the convict Pip met at the marshes, is the man who gave Pip the opportunity to become a gentleman. When Magwitch first tells Pip he is his benefactor heShow MoreRelatedEssay on Great Expectations: A Character-Driven Novel1334 Words   |  6 PagesGreat Expectations: A Character-Driven Novel The novel, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is heavily a character-driven novel due to the fact that the sequence of events in the novel are causes and effects of the actions of the characters as well as the interactions between them. 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This first simple encounter sparks a collection of decisions and manipulations that kickoff the plot to the storyRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations972 Words   |  4 PagesThe novel â€Å"Great Expectation† by Charles Dickens, is written from the perspective of an innocent boy, Pip, whose life is faced with different challenges and expectations. Growing up in a small village with a ruthless and violent sister who shows him little love causes him to be sensitive. In essence, the narrator not only begins to yearn for love and acceptance, but he also develops a high desire of becoming a gentleman in order to obtain genuine happiness. 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Nonetheless, her demeanor might lead one to suspect that she was a girl with a heart of ice. Estella is scornful from the moment she is introduced, when she remarks on Pips coarse hands and thick boots. However, her beauty soon captivates PipRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations Essay examples1100 Words   |  5 PagesGreat Expectations Essay Topic: Why is Great Expectations called Great Expectations? There is an old clichà © that cautions readers not to â€Å"judge a book by its cover†, but rather, by its contents. While this piece of advice may indeed be true, one could ask if the same is true of judging a book by its title. The title of a book is in many ways indicative, not only of its contents, but perhaps more important, of its author’s message. A title serves to inspire the reader’s interest, whileRead More Great Expectations: Pips Unrealistic Expectations Essay2130 Words   |  9 PagesPips Unrealistic Expectations    One of the most important and common tools that authors use to illustrate the themes of their works is a character that undergoes several major changes throughout the story. In Great Expectations, Charles Dickens introduces the reader to many intriguing and memorable characters, including the eccentric recluse, Miss Havisham, the shrewd and careful lawyer, Mr. Jaggers, and the benevolent convict, Abel Magwitch. However, Great Expectations is the story of PipRead More Analysis of Great Expectations1266 Words   |  6 Pagessettings of Great Expectations are Pip’s homes, one home that he lives in during his childhood in Kent, England, and the other that he lives in when he is grown in London, England. Social status was a big deal in the mid-nineteenth century. The rich were highly respected and liked by all, and the poor were treated unkindly and were sometimes made fun of. The rich could have any job that they liked, but the poor would almost always take over the job that thei r father had. The narrator of Great ExpectationsRead MoreQuestions On Great Expectations 1772 Words   |  8 PagesAnswers for Evaluating Literature- Great Expectations 1. This title signifies Pip’s expectancy for his monetary inheritance, referred to as his expectations. It also refers to the expectations he has for life, such as his expectation to become a gentleman and marrying Estella. 2. The story takes place during the 19th century in England, in North Kent and London. Pip, has conflicting feelings about both locations. Pip doesn’t particularly like Kent, but before he left, it held a place of sanctuaryRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Charles Dickens1799 Words   |  8 Pagessuch foulness and pitilessness, Incredible Desires is most likely the best case since one appears to feel the dimness obfuscating their faculties once they read the book. Through the murk of English dinginess and melancholy, we discover a character who is exceptionally dissimilar to most sentimental principle characters or even other fundamental characters in Dickens different books. Most creators invest certain characters with attributes that make them a saint and amiable. In any case, as one peruses

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Welfare System Has Helped Families From Around The...

The welfare system has helped families from around the 1930’s. Social welfare in the United States consists of groups of variety programs. The programs are designed to assist people who are in need of assistance. The goal of the welfare program is to reduce poverty. Poverty undermines the economy by disturbing the normal growth of human capital. Including education, health and professional experience. All the welfare programs require different means of eligibility. There are programs that help with food, housing, Pell Grants, child care, and health care. In this paper I will give a brief review of the most popular programs. I will also tell the requirements to receive benefits. Then I will include a government review of fraud within the†¦show more content†¦In 20011 SNAP was the largest Federal food assistance program in the United States is helping more than forty-five million Americans. To receive snap benefits you and your family must first meet the income requirements, unless all family members receive SSI, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) or any general assistance. Many households have to meet both the gross income and the net income. Households with elderly, or a disable person has to only meet the net income test. The amount of Assistance a family receives is called an allotment. To determine how much allotment your family will receive they take the net monthly income of the household and multiply by .3, then the result is subtracted from the maximum allotment for a household size to find out how much benefits your household will receive. According to the USDA they expect each household to spend about thirty percent of their monthly income on food. If your income is over the amount that is listed in Chart1.0 for household and monthly income you will not qualify for Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). There is no set limit to how long you can receive SNAP benefits as long as there is a child or dependent in your household. However if you are a single person you can only receive benefits for three months in a thirty-six month period. Chart 1.0 Household and Gross monthly income. Net Monthly income Household Size

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Storage †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Storage. Answer: Introduction: Nowadays we may ask ourselves about this recent technology, wondering what cloud storage is and what are this clouds storage used for? In real sense there are no easy words or theories to explain that but they are ways used in describing this latest technologies that are very promising to the ICT world. Normally according to laymans way of describing and explaining cloud storage it is considered as the model of computing in situations where data is stored on very secure and on servers that are in remote areas rather than on the hard drives we are used to. When we refer to cloud we define it as servers that are ensemble serving as host all of the info they always receive globally. This study will explain the way they work, the type of cloud storage, and the other as outlined here below. Definition of cloud storage technology and how it is applied Background of cloud storage Use of cloud storage Advantage and disadvantages of cloud storage in details Types of cloud storage Research methodology Cloud based data storage Cloud computing Conclusions In contrast with the devices of storage such as compact disks or the hard disks, in cases where info is always physically stored, where all the data is virtually on entirely on stored servers. Additionally everything can be accessed as far as it is on the cloud and the gadget to be used has connection with the internet. Recent surveys that has been conducted with more than 1000 business decision makers and users globally, the organization of numbers has gained competitive advantage through the clouds that are high adopting almost doubles in the previous years and by last year the cloud services that is the (public cloud) was predicted to be exceedingly be over 244 billion dollars(baiju, 2014). Computing in cloud has been seemed to be buzzword over a decade and this has led to manty business making a lot of switch each and every day like it is on a daily basis. While hitching on the computing power of the cloud in streamlining the information technology procedures make daily computations very easier and hence it may be not something to hurry and rush on to. Lastly before one can make a switch then it might be important one to ask oneself such question such as are you ready?(Stratosphere, 2018). Speaking of the history of cloud computing we may term it as model of computer that is very functional and hence it is not new. However the so called cloud will go back to the 1970s and 1980s and this when the ARPANET and CNET, all acting as predecessors of current internet were in control and in application to what the today storage of today will be like or will become. Nowadays some of the most and popular used type of cloud services are such as the OneDrive, google and the dropbox. Each may offer same but very slightly different services but which make it hard in assessing which is the best cloud. There are some explained and outlined cloud computing models as below. Client server Model which distinguishes the difference between the provider of th service and the client receiving the service. Grid computing which is the model for the supercomputers that are for supercomputers. Its called grid because it consists of many (multiple) physical terminus. Fog Model which excludes uses of remote location while sending the data to the clients. Peer-2-peer computing model- Which works like the client-server but the difference being that the client is the supplier and at the same the client. Research methodology This chapter will consider all the research methodologies that were very helpful in defining this project and also qualify to be selected over all other possible designs. This research begins by addressing in details all the projects requirements that are to be employed in the study. Further it will explore all the steps that are deployed and the necessary and convincing techniques of collecting the required data that will be significant in this study. This study is an experiment one which is very fundamental especially when it comes to analyses the characteristics or the features of any given sensation that must be experimented or even modelled in a given scenario. Cooper Schindler argues that in experimenting type of analysis one may be helped discover and measure very different and various attributes of numerous parameters of any given model which is representing a case scenario in real life. We use the rapid application development (RAD). Data collection methods are ways through which the gathered data that is to be used for computation is gathered and collected so that it can be analysed. There are two types of collecting data that is the primary data and secondary data. This study the primary data way of collecting data was put in place in doing investigation for this advantages and disadvantages of cloud based services. Types of Cloud Storage After discussing about what cloud storage and its uses we may now take another level of an eye by describing the classifications of the cloud-storage. The need for the increased solutions in the cloud-based, has made the nature of many services to become more complex. Private clouds tailored in accommodating and handling the requests of data from the small and large based companies. This type of service of cloud is one of the best solution and recommendation for a company that might need to migrate its data where it will need to apply third party cloud as the provider. This types of cloud a client may opt to choose in any of the two types of private clouds. One is the on premise that will use a server found in the similar premise. The server may host them on the cloud. In on premise this clouds are easier to supervise. Staffs are able to easily check what may go wrong. It is good to know that the on premise type of service is meant and suited for those companies which are big. Second option is the externally hosted cloud storage. The server is not necessarily in the same premise as that of the company. In public clouds one does not need to concern in maintenance or the secutity of data because of the externalization of the data. The clouds in public are easier in accessing and maintaining than most private clouds. Furthermore, if anyone has any right credentials one may have the permission to submit their access to the cloud, may it be either from a computer terminal or even joined over the internet. A hybrid is a type of cloud that combines all the characteristics and features of both the private and public clouds. The greatest and most appealing and convincing advantages of hybrid cloud is use of many customization options in great numbers. Some of this customizations include such as the Add, Delete, Edit etc. being some of the application currently running ion the hybrid cloud. If one may wish in sharing information that is very sensitive one may opt to for the private cloud features as they offer best security. Another option is migrate some data that is not sensitive on public side of clouds. Advantages of Cloud Storage Many companies and individuals who uses this services of the cloud may be able to cut costs like the one for operating when compared to those who still uses the hosting companies with solutions or even the use external hard drives. Recent polls on the usage of cloud services has been marked to be average cost of 1 GB of space of storage to be approximately 3cts.when one consider to migrate such operating costs must be considered Accessing of files, the folders, videos and photos in the cloud anywhere if anyone has the gadgets that have some internet connection as far as one provides the necessary credentials(Tracy, 2016). The backup solution in cloud services is very and one of the greatest advantage as in case something goes wrong one can be able to recover. Incase an error occurs may be to files one can always access and do retrieval of any data that may have been lost or even damaged. An extra layer of storage and security protocol is added by most storage providers. It is done in order of preventing the files and folders to avoid them being accessed by the wrong people or even from being lost. Disadvantages of Using Cloud Storage Dependent on Internet Connection Dependence of the internet speed and speed of downloading the existence of low latency have impended one to access data in real time(Mike, 2018). Costs Not all in all cases the cost may be favorable as in other cases especially in small homes hence the cost too high in handling. Hand drives Large number of physical drives are needed for storage of information remotely on the cloud. This may lead to also increase in space and cost. Customer support There is no much support as one is most directed to get instructions on the FAQ or the online forums. Privacy issues When one migrates the 3rd party cloud storage provider as there is much issue to be concerned with who owns the info. One have to ask is it the company, the client or the service provider of the cloud. Conclusion We discussed the cloud storage. This is a concept that is new in computing in clouds models allowing faster information deploying, management and supervision being little. The discussed advantages and disadvantages above gives one a hint whether it is good to opt the kind of services that suits you. Nowadays, however, most large cloud storage providers have a diverse offer when it comes to storage plans and pricing. Plans and offers vary from provider to provider. However, most include at least some service packages for home use, as well as cloud storage plans for small businesses or large corporations. References baiju, N., 2014. 5 advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Storage. big data made simple, 27th July.p. 66. Mike, 2018. What Is Cloud Storage and What Are Its Advantages?, s.l.: Cloud Storage Device. Stratosphere, 2018. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 march 2018]. Tracy, P., 2016. Cloud computing management 101: Advantages and disadvantages. Cloud Computing, Fundamentals, Internet of Things (IoT}, 01 september, Volume 23, pp. 32-37.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Weight Of Real Wrestlers Essays - Sports Rules And Regulations

The Weight Of Real Wrestlers High School Wrestling has always been thought of as the hardest and most enduring sport that takes place in high school. Only the toughest Jocks try out, and the weak are quickly discarded. Young women showing school spirit come to watch as the arms of young men in spandex are mingled about. During matches, coaches yell and scream at their young apprentices while they desperately battle to pin their opponent of equal weight. But, how equally are the two enemies matched? How much weight did one person have to lose, and how fast did he have to do it to be able to wrestle in that weight class? Once the wrestler makes his weight does he really have any physical energy left to wrestle? Losing an extraordinary amount of weight in a short amount of time is dangerous and unhealthy, and should be regulated for the safety of the athletes. Coach James Derek Donoho is now in his third year of being head coach at Don Lugo High School. He says wrestling is a very dangerous contact sport that always has the risk of injuries, and people get hurt everyday. He believes it's a good experience for young men and he is glad he went through it when he was in high school. Physical injuries come with the turf, and every person knows it when they join wrestling or any other sport. It's the un-implied risks that are not seen until commitments are made, that are the most dangerous to young athletes. Donoho is pro losing weight and says its good to loose weight and move to a lighter weight class, because it's a little easier on the wrestler. It feels to them that they are wrestling someone lighter then they are. That is a tactical advantage, however people also move up to wrestle in higher weight levels to fill spots. That makes it unnecessary for teens to lose weight because they are already wrestling someone lighter then they are. We don't pressure our players to lose a lot of weight, says Donoho, they chose which weight class they want to wrestle in. If that's true, then there are a lot of young athletes who are willing to lose a tremendous amount of weight in a short amount of time just to make Varsity. Do people really put themselves in such danger to achieve the pride of being on a varsity team? Brandon Frescas, a third year wrestler on the team, says coaches just flat out ask us if we could get down to a certain weight by a certain time to fill spots. Sometimes it's moving up a weight class, sometimes it's losing a little weight, and sometimes it's a lot of weight. Losing 10 to 15 pounds in a week is a lot of weight to lose. 10 to 15 pounds in a week is an absurd amount of weight to lose. On T.V advertisements say their diet can help people lose 10 to 15 pounds in a month, but never does it say one week. 15 pounds is about the size of a medium dog. Could anyone imagine stuff about the size of a dog leaving ones body in only one week? Michael Nava, also a third year wrestler, says coach asked me what weight I thought I could get down to, and I told him 135 pounds. I weighed about 137 pounds and he asked me if he could count on me to get down to 130 pounds. I thought about it and told him yes because I didn't want to let him down. Pressure from the coaches exists and every pl ayer knows its there. Although the coaches won't admit it, Michael Nava says, it's dangerous if you have to lose a lot of weight. Losing an enormous amount of weight such as 10 to 15 pounds in one week seems impossible to an everyday person. But, according to the wrestlers it's only almost impossible. There is an entire process wrestlers go through and it's different depending upon how much weight needs to be lost. The secrets are passed down and taught to the younger wrestlers by the more experienced ones. The first thing taught is