Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Great Expectations - Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are...

Great Expectations - Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are Living through Others In the work Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, two characters live their lives through someone else. Miss Havisham and Abel Magwitch are both elderly and though someone else are able to obtain their goals that they are not able to complete themselves. Abel Magwitch lives his life through the protagonist Pip while Miss Havisham lives her life through the character Estella. Miss Havisham is an aged, mysterious lady who has much anger. This anger derives from her fiancÃÆ' ©e leaving the day of the wedding. This is the moment when she stopped living and decides to turn to a life of making other men miserable, just as her ex-fiancÃÆ' ©e had made her†¦show more content†¦Pip is unable to comprehend that Miss Havisham is desperate to destroy mens lives and Estella cannot change the way she is. It is also apparent that Miss Havisham uses Estella to break mens hearts when Miss Havisham asks Estella about how many hearts she has broken. Many times Estella tries to explain to Pip that she is incapable of loving him. One time she says, We have no choice, you and I, but to obey our instructions. We are not free to follow our own devices, you and I. (266). Estella comprehends that she is a puppet in what is considered a greater plan. She is not free to do what she pleases because she is under Miss Havishams influence and her instructions to break hearts and not to care about the feelings and pain she brings. Hence, Miss Havisham lived through Estella in order to hurt as many men as possible. In Great Expectations, the male character, by the name of Abel Magwitch, also lives his life through someone else. The character he lives his life through is Pip. When Pip first receives word that he has great expectations to be a gentleman, his guardian is completely unknown until Pip is twenty-three and Abel Magwitch tells his protÃÆ' ©gÃÆ' © that he, the convict Pip met at the marshes, is the man who gave Pip the opportunity to become a gentleman. When Magwitch first tells Pip he is his benefactor heShow MoreRelatedEssay on Great Expectations: A Character-Driven Novel1334 Words   |  6 PagesGreat Expectations: A Character-Driven Novel The novel, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is heavily a character-driven novel due to the fact that the sequence of events in the novel are causes and effects of the actions of the characters as well as the interactions between them. 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