Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ethics and Law in the Field of Counseling Essay - 1395 Words

Ethics is the judgement and the moral actions used in interactions with cultures and society and its focus is on the client well-being. Ethics is defined by Remley and Herlihy (2010) in the counseling field as â€Å"professional behavioral and interactions† (p.4). Counselors do rely and are guide by Codes of Ethics. The role and relevance of the ethical principals, the ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics are the base of the counseling profession. Without them this career would not have a guide on how the professionals should act and react professionally in all the different situations that are faced in this field. However, there are some cases that professionals have to rely on the Law. The Law is different from moral principles and Code of†¦show more content†¦Like it is seen on section B of ACA Code of Ethics, â€Å"...counselors inform clients of the limitations of confidentiality and seek to identify foreseeable situations in which confidentiality must be breached (B.1 .d)†. These statements in these codes of ethics help the professional when this kind of action is necessary, to break the confidentiality, and take the action to act in the â€Å"duty to protect† and at the same time to keep the patient’s confidentiality. Another point to be considered is that it is hard to predict when a patient is going to be dangerous towards himself or others. Like Simon (1990) cited in Simone and Fulero article about the concept of â€Å"danger† that â€Å"does not describe actual harm but merely signals that the potential for or the possibility of harm exists† (p.150). There are some situations, when legal issues are taken in consideration, counselors consider their personal values to balance their ethical decisions in some cases. (Knapp, S., Gottlieb, M., Berman, J., Handelsman, M. M. , 2007, p.54). Another point take in consideration from those authors is that when there is a conflict between ethical obligations and law co nduct, counselors should be prepared to face and live with the decisions made and its consequences. (Knapp, S., Gottlieb, M., Berman, J., Handelsman, M. M., 2007, p.56). That is why it is so hard in this profession to know when we should break the confidentiality even having the support fromShow MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics And State Board Counseling Laws920 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Counseling Association Code of Ethics (ACA Code of Ethics) and state board counseling laws to common ethical scenarios. The content explores aspects designed to call attention to favorable and unfavorable skills and techniques in handling such matters. These two videos demonstrate the limitations of confidentiality and privileged information. 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